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How does neurodermatitis develop as you get older? It often goes away on its own. But what does that look like in retirement?

How does neurodermatitis develop as you get older? It often goes away on its own. But what does that look like in retirement?

  1. I was diagnosed with it when I was younger. I always had pretty mild eczema (just a couple dry patches here and there), until starting use of topical steroids, which then over time caused my skin to get worse, until I went through Topical Steroid Withdrawal. However, not sure about retirement as I'm only in my 30s and was diagnosed as a kid, so not sure if that helps! -Nina ( Team Member)

    1. Hi - neurodermatitis often affects people between 30-50. Like atopic dermatitis, the skin is leathery, dry, and extremely itchy. Below is a link to an article that you may find helpful - Pete ( - Team Member)

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