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We're All in This Together

It is always a nice feeling to know that you are not the only one suffering in this world. I know being part of a great community like is a fantastic thing. And being a part of this eczema band certainly makes me feel less alone. Before I became a patient leader with my life was pretty much the same as it is now. Except I had no real outlet for venting about my skin. Sure, I moaned to family and friends but they never fully get you.

Being able to write articles and engage with others going through the same things has been really informative and has given me a different perspective on my life. Dare, I say it but I think I have become a little bit more optimistic about my future. Of course, I still have bad days where I want to give up. However, now I seem to recover quicker both physically and mentally and I put that down to being a patient leader.

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What is Eczema Expo?

However, this is not the only community that tries to engage, inform and educate on the daily struggles that eczema brings. Every year the National Eczema Association hosts their Eczema Expo event where people all around the world come together to share experiences, connect and learn about the disease. It is a huge event!

This year will be my first year going to the event. Well, technically I am not really going anywhere. I have got hold of a virtual ticket thanks to the atopic dermatitis legend that is Linette Roungchun who pointed me in the right direction. So I won’t actually be there in person. It’s all the way in Orlando, so I’ll be Zooming it, as the kids say!

So what does the event cover?

The event is over four days and it is a chance for people like me to engage with healthcare professionals, industry experts, caregivers, and anyone who has a connection with eczema.

According to the NEA, the annual event promises: Empowering, informative discussion and panel sessions with world-class medical professionals on how you can live your best life in fitness and social activities where you’ll meet new friends and let loose with your NEA family support sessions where you’ll give and gain advice about life with eczema with people who get it.

How does hearing different stories help?

I am looking forward to all these events. Especially listening to some of the medical professionals on the advancement of treatments in the field. On the social side of things, it will be amazing to listen to people living with this condition, and how they use various coping mechanisms to get through. Again, hearing people's stories makes me feel less alone and good knowing that we are all in this together. I am excited and really pleased to be performing one of my songs too. I never turn down the opportunity to show off but more importantly, being a singer-songwriter is one of the few things that helps distract me from the itching and the idea of sharing this with other eczema warriors fills me with joy.

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