Fishing for Doctors: How I Reel In the Right One for Me

Finding the right doctor for my sensitive skin has often felt like going fishing in an ocean that seems bottomless and murky. I’m putting the line out hoping to catch something worthwhile, but in the meantime, I’m playing the wait game hoping something—anything—will bite.

What have my experiences with providers been?

For the first two decades of my life, this was my daily life: uncertainty, throwing darts blind-folded at a rotary of healthcare providers in my healthcare system, praying for mercy, for some kind of relief that would last.

Thankfully, I eventually found my miracle: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Who do I turn to most for my eczema care

At this time, my main health providers that help me with my eczema if I have a flare-up are TCM doctors. I personally do not even consult my primary care doctor or go to any Western medicine health practitioners just because I already did that for 15 years straight and only got prescribed topical steroids which did not heal for the long-term.

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How do I find the right doctor for me?

With the help of the internet, I have been able to successfully find quality health practitioners for my skin through online research. Some things that I look for when it comes to finding a quality TCM doctor are:

  • Before & after photos from their previous clients
  • Social proof through solid, consistent, positive reviews testimonials

What do I look for in before & after photos?

I give bonus points if these before & after photos are from people of various diverse backgrounds. This is because it shows me that they have, in my opinion, mastery over their craft and are able to adapt their treatment plans and recommendations to various ethnicities. As a Filipina, I give extra bonus points to health practitioners who have clients that look like me – even more so if they are also Filipino just because it lets me know that they are familiar with my ethnicity and are able to serve my demographic specifically.

What do I look for in testimonials?

I also look for testimonials of doctors who have a strong track record of success with healing eczema specifically, and for the long-term. If I see and read reviews of people that are sincere and they say that they saw this practitioner for a period of time and never had to go back after seeing them after that period of time, or that they have remained healthy for several years since seeing the doctor, then that gives me a green light to make an appointment with them and see if we could be a good match for what I need.

How do I work with my TCM doctor?

In terms of how I work with TCM doctors, they typically work with me on my stress management and diet. I am typically prescribed an herbal formula of strong teas to decoct and drink for a period of time as well as recommendations for updating my diet that will help me heal. A lot of it is emotional and nutritional advice. Occasionally they will offer acupuncture on my skin. Though, that is not a treatment option that I use often for my eczema since it's already so sensitive and I have good results with it with herbs alone.

How have you found any practitioners that are effective for you? How have you found them and what criteria, qualities, or specific details do you look for in a quality practitioner? Please share your tips down below with our community!

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