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My Postcard to Eczema

Dear eczema,

I’m writing to you from my rented villa in Sardinia. I hope you’re doing okay back home. Feel free to leave my apartment anytime you need to, honestly, please. And feel free to stay out a few nights too. To hell with it...take a couple of weeks out like me if you need to! Or longer.

The weather

The weather here is absolutely astounding! Glorious sunshine from morning to night. You’d hate it here. It’s really not your scene, so don’t worry you’re not missing much. The sea is nice and cooling and you can taste the salty warm air as you walk along the coastline. My skin is all smooth and golden, you’d hate it. I think the nice weather and salty seawater has made my skin feel like velvet. The soft silky water that falls onto me in the shower in the morning feels like I'm in paradise. My hair feels like it isn't mine. It's soft and has taken on a lighter shade. You’d really hate it here.

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The food

The Mediterranean diet is just stunning too! The fresh oily fish, pasta, vegetables. The simplicity in their cuisine is just to die for!! It’s so delicious and I’m able to enjoy it without suffering too. You’d really be annoyed at me if you could see me. It’s all helping to cleanse me from inside out. You wouldn’t really be happy if you saw me but don’t fret, I’ll be back in the UK next week and you’ll be able to start clinging to me again.

We haven't been getting along

As soon as I return, I know for a fact that you’ll be waiting for me at the airport. You’re so considerate like that. I know how much you miss me and I know you always wait for me to say the same thing back to you. I never do, do I? I’m sorry I don’t but it’s just that sometimes you can be a little overbearing. It can be a little claustrophobic, y'know? This trial separation has done us both the world of good. We really haven't been getting along, have we?  Coming out here has really given me a different perspective on my life. I wake up everyday and the sunshine is already beaming through the curtains. I haven't been shedding any skin. It's like living like a regular person. I know reading this, you will feel heartbroken.

Our future

I don't mean to make you feel like this but nevertheless, it has to be said. And while we're on the subject, I think we need to talk about our future when I return. Perhaps it's best I don't talk about this in a postcard. It would seem extremely insensitive. I just want you to be ready for when I return. I'm not going to be bullied by you anymore. Anyway, the sunshine is calling me outside so I will say my goodbyes. I can't get over how nice the air is out here. you'd really hate it.

See you soon -

Pete x

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