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"This is my first time posting here. Since developing Eczema for the first time a few months ago. I am 64 which I understand is unusual as 95% of people with rash develop it as an infant or young child. I have it on the hands and one knee. I have been vegan for about 10 years. The only other allergy I have ever had was hayfever as a kid and adult. An allergist determined grass pollen was the culprit, and he gave me monthly shots which resolved the hayfever 100%. I am wearing gloves and pants which contains zinc in the fiber. I have also been using "Mountaineer Granny Vicar's Diaper Balm" which contains zinc oxide. Because the highest amount of zinc in the diet is red meat, and also chicken, pork, spinach and asparagus, I wonder if my vegan diet may have played a role. I am now taking a multi-vitamin which contains zinc, and I bought some gloves and leggings that have zinc incorporated into the fabric. The results, so far, have been very good, but only time will tell. it"


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  • Member Since 2019


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