A woman pushes away a speech bubble with an exclamation point

Handling Rejection From Anyone When You Have Eczema

Having a painful condition that you cannot hide from the public can be a very agonizing experience full of shame and guilt. It is an experience we eczema warriors wish we could bypass or jump over and avoid, but we can't. Being honest about our experience is important to validate our experience. But what is also important is not getting stuck in a rut about it. It's one thing to be a realist. It's another to become a pessimist.

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How can you cope with rejection because of eczema?

In this video, Teresa talks about the importance of having a realistic, yet balanced perspective on who you are and what you are going through with your skin. And remembering that everything in life changes, including the painful times. Watch this video to hear her tips for continuing to move forward in life despite the daily challenges of eczema.


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