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Clothing Indents

Does anyone else get indentations of their clothing on their skin? Or am I the only person who does?

  1. So I wore loose fitting clothing today and I still have the indents from my clothing.

    1. That's so interesting, ! I'm so sorry that it's happened again, if you don't mind me asking, does the indents hurt you at all? and what type of loose clothing did you wear that day? - Abigail, Team Member

    2. It's cargo capris with a tie waist and lots of thread. And underwear with nylon

  2. It's a relief that I'm not the only one. And 6 months ago I got diagnosed with atopic dermatitis.

    1. Years, for as long as I can remember.

      1. Yes!! I absolutely do! it's mostly with form fitting clothes, especially pants. I've noticed that if I wear form fitting outfits for a majority of the day, my body will look like I've been sewn together by a dress maker. You're definitely not the only one, Christine. If you don't mind me asking, how long has this been going on for you? - Abigail, Team Member

        1. It's been going on for years as long as I can even remember. As a kid I would get them and I was just diagnosed with atopic dermatitis about 6 months ago.

        2. It's the same for me, ! It's something I've dealt with ever since I was a child. You're definitely not the only one💕 and welcome to the atopic community/family! If you have any questions or just need to vent, we're here for you💗 so don't hesitate to reach out!
          If it's alright to ask, how has it been for you since getting diagnosed? - Abigail, Team Member

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