What can I use in place of coconut oil to help with dryness?
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I am struggling with my AD more this year than I have in several years. I know I'm allergic to coconut, very much so, in fact. Skin tests, as well as blood tests, give positive reactions. Is there something that I can replace the coconut oil with?
Sherry from FB said solid crisco oil has helped her 3 month old daughter. She likes that it’s pure and perfume free. It is also safe to eat, in case it is ingested during the application process!
-Sarah (AtopicDermatitis.net Team Member)
Ashley Ann Lora Member
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Hi kiamkwa! Thank you for asking this as other people who are allergic to coconut may be seeking for an alternative too.
Adding to Sarah's list, another oil that's been beneficial for me is avocado oil. It's full of vitamins, fatty acids, protein, and more. I use it as a moisturizer and it works wonders!
If you decide to try it, let me know if it works!
Sarah Wallin Community Admin
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Amanda from FB said she's been using grape seed oil with promising results! -Sarah (AtopicDermatitis.net Team Member)
Sarah Wallin Community Admin
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Hi kiamkwa,
I'm so sorry to hear that you've been struggling with your AD this year. Your allergy to coconut oil is not uncommon. When we shared a recipe including coconut oil, some members commented that they were allergic too.
Some alternatives that the community has found helpful are sunflower oil, olive oil and emu oil. There's an article with some more info here (https://atopicdermatitis.net/home-remedies). Hope this helps!
Please keep us posted on how you are doing, and let us know how it goes if you try any alternatives! The community is always here to help.
-Sarah (AtopicDermatitis.net Team Member)