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Dry lip help?!

Does anybody have suggestions for dealing with lips that keep turning dry as heck, chapped, peeling and raw? FWIW I know it's not cold sores.
I've been going through a lot of lip balms, but wonder if some are more hindrance than help. Seems a lot if treatments want to include spf, which is pointless for my purposes.

I really look forward to hearing your thoughts.

  1. I found Aquaphor healing ointment was really good for dry lips for me, personally. Though I do still love to use lip balm just because I'm so used it, I feel like the Aquaphor actually worked better for me in the long run. -Nina ( Team Member)

    1. , thanks tons for your in input! It's uber helpful to hear specific product suggestions I can look for. Seeing something in stores/ads is SO much different than a recommendation from someone here who's actually using the product for what I need.
      I just did a search comparing healing ointments by Aquaphor and by CeraVe. Think I'll be adding the Aquaphor to my lip remedy kit too. Thanks Nina 🙂

    2. let us know how it goes and if it helps! All the best <3 -Nina ( Team Member)

  2. Sometimes I find a lip balm can actually only provide temporary relief…. So I try moisturising my lips with my normal skin moisturiser instead of the lip balm… and just nourishing my lips with that… and it has really improved! So I would recommend moving away from lip balms and using moisturiser!

    1. , thanks for your input. Yes, I have found lip balms to be rather useless for me of late. Wondered if it was as much the ingredients in the ones I've tried as the "masking the problem" quality of lip balms in general.
      For the last few days I've been trying your idea re moisturizer: Cetaphil Urea 10 lotion (that I recently bought as a body moisturizer) on my lips. Wondering if I need to up the game to something thicker & creamier. Any suggestions?
      FWIW, I've also been alternating with vitamin E oil. Although that feels more like a thick "sealant" than a moisture treatment.
      Guess it's time for me to try working from the inside out too and upping my omega 3 intake.
      Sigh....really wish I had a dermatologist 😒. If & until that happens, it sure helps to get feedback from members like you, Lilly.

    2. , I think I've found a solution as per your suggestion! For a week, I've been putting CeraVe healing ointment on my lips. C

      Feels odd to be dabbing 'baby bum ointment' on my mouth, but if it works, I'm OK with feeling ridiculous 🙃.

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