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Hair loss starts again when i stop the medicated shampoo!

Hi is anyone experiencing this. When i stop daily washing my hair with the ketoconazole shampoo my hair will start to shed again. Any suggestions? Ive had bad sebor derm my whole life better never shed.

  1. Sorry to hear that in addition to your seborrheic dermatitis, you are now also experiencing hair loss. Have you shared this feedback with your doctor or health care provider? If you haven't I would definitely bring this to their attention. Perhaps it has to do with the shampoo you mentioned, and maybe not, I can not provide any medical advice. You may find this page helpful, and at the very least, know that you're not alone. Hoping that you are able to determine what's causing the hair loss, and know that we are here for you. Chava B. moderator & contributor

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