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Rash Identification

Trying to figure out what may be causing this rash. I have had it for about two weeks now. It flares up at different times of the day. It appears mid torso. Front and back.

I am 54 years old. Healthy, with no history of skin or rash problems. I do not believe this is brought on my insect bites. Any ideas?

  1. - It can be pretty scary and confusing seeing bumps like that crop up all of a sudden. Were you able to figure out what it was? Thinking of you! -Sarah ( Team Member)

    1. , that looks painful and itchy! It could be from different things, but I’m not a medical professional, and couldn’t hazard even a guess. It’s a question for your doctor and hopefully it’s something that will resolve quickly for you. Please let us know what you find out. Sending healing thoughts your way, Cora Lyn, Team Member

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