Whether it's prescription treatments, over-the-counter treatments, skincare products, homemade remedies, what do you turn to in the middle of an eczema flare-up?
Hi, I use Hypochlorous acid spray when I feel the itch, spray on skin even on a flare and it calms the skin so I don't scratch.
Chava Bayla Wald Member
Last Updated:
that's great to know! I will have to give it a try again. The one time I used it, I found it to irritate my skin. Because it was in a flaring it was hard for me to tell if that was contributing to the flare or not.
, thanks for sharing! Just a reminder, what works for one doesn't always work for another so just make sure to check with your doctor to make sure it is right for you before trying! Best, Sam S. (team member).
This has definitely become a popular trend. It's awesome that you have found it helpful. I have only tried it once and didn't notice much of a difference. I'm curious, how often and how long do you use it during a flare-up? Do you also use it when your skin is not flaring?