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COVID Has Not Gone Away: Surely This Can't Be Good for Eczema Sufferers

It is incredible how time flies. Take the pandemic for instance. In the UK we went into lockdown in March 2020. Strangely, It feels like yesterday everyone was locking themselves indoors, spraying and wiping down surfaces every 10 minutes, wearing masks when grocery shopping, and watching every last series on Netflix.

What were my experiences during the pandemic?

There were times I thought I was actually dying. Now, of course, I know my body did not react well to the numerous jabs that were punched into my system by kind-hearted nurses. Severe eczema engulfed my body and later on, I developed shingles. This experience was the most painful thing I have ever gone through.

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Later still, I contracted a staphylococcus infection that spread from my eyes and nose. My face looked puffy and unrecognizable. The doctor put me on the longest course of antibiotics I have ever had the displeasure of taking. The stress this brought on was massive. Also, I knew by taking so many pills that my gut was going to take a huge hit. And because of that, my immune system would be compromised to a greater degree. I was deteriorating fast. But somehow, don't ask me how, but I pulled through!

How am I doing now?

Nearly four years on and my body is in trouble again. I have slipped off the radar with friends and family and am struggling to get better. The good news is that I am getting better but, the older I get, the harder the healing process seems to get. So, it's an extremely slow process.

As we are entering the winter season, I know many people who have been struck down with COVID. I have seen the elderly going for their latest COVID jabs I'm my local pharmacy.

I have been chatting to a nurse who says that COVID is silently ripping through the A&E department where she works and people are dying and what's interesting is that it is not really making the mainstream news, local or national. I appreciate this is only anecdotal, however, if there was one thing I learned from those bizarre years, it was to listen carefully to the people who worked on the frontlines for our country.

Are my latest health issues related to COVID?

I have not been able to get my hands on a COVID test so I can't say with any certainty that I have had it again. That said, I know many of my driving students have had COVID, and some family members too. So it's definitely making its rounds.

Surely this cannot be good for eczema patients? The only way to fight it is by having a synthetic copy injected into our bodies and who wants that?!! The really worrying thing is that whatever the cause for my latest breakdown in health is, I am at a loss of how to get better. I don't want steroids and and holding off going on antibiotics. Let's see.

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