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Engaging the Mind

Sometimes, when our skin battles get too heavy, it's time to shift our mindset.

Where did I focus my energy?

I found that when in the midst of severe TSW, it was easier to cope if I put my energy into something else. Instead of numbing out watching endless hours of Sons of Anarchy or picking at flakes all day (which, sometimes, you just gotta do), I sought out a new hobby.

For me, it was writing and making videos. In this day and age, "YouTube University" is an amazing tool that actually works to our benefit.

What can you do?

If you are stuck at home with a flare, don't just zone out and lose out on that precious time. ENGAGE. This is the time to focus on forward movement, not on the physical.

If you think you are talentless or can't learn a new skill, you better think again. You are capable of GREAT CHANGE. Let your eczema guide you. Catharsis (a purging of emotions through art) is literally life-saving at times. So, if you are at a loss as to what may be a great addition to your "emotional bank account," here are a few ideas.

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What about copywriting?

Side hustle, ya'll! There are SO many YouTube channels dedicated to this lucrative craft. Tons of companies need copywriters to help with their websites, their emails, and their social media (ads and content). Literally, a 3rd grader can do it. You don't have to be proficient at English either. You just have to learn the tricks of the trade, build a portfolio, and market yourself on places like UpWork, Fiverr, and LinkedIn.

What about editing/film Open your own channel on YouTube! Share your own tips on how you cope with eczema. It helps others feel less alone and, in turn, helps YOU feel less alone. Trust me, giving = getting. All you need is an account name, a computer or phone, and little ideas to share with the world. Biggest tip: Just start by sharing who you are. Your story could be a game-changer for someone.Why not take up an instrument?Ever wanted to learn to play the piano or guitar? Start now!Instead of sulking because you are missing out on a friend's event or another weekend is wrecked by being spent inside away from every single trigger lurking in your front yard, learn to play an instrument! It's a creative outlet that could turn into a passion. You'd only have to spend money on the actual instrument.Now, I'm not saying to go and purchase a brand new tuba and chap those already dry lips (unless you are a fan of the big gal), but starting small can be fun and relaxing. Piano, especially, feels so peaceful. I can barely play it, yet when I pick at notes, the time passes, and I hardly notice how itchy I am.Why not learn a new language?Hola! Bonjour! Ciao!So many apps now can help you master a second (or even third) language. It is extremely beneficial to speak more than just your native tongue. Can you imagine that your eczema, the thing plaguing you, could be gifting you time for such a great opportunity? Furthermore, if you take a big trip to another country, you could test your skills!Can you focus on DIY projects or things around the house?Shut the front door if you don't have a Pinterest account. Go do it right now if you don't!As a female, I hate having to rely on other people (men, honestly) to fix things for me around the house. Now, if you're in a flare, go scour the internet and learn how to do some of those scary fixes yourself! Toilet issues? You got it covered! Leaky faucet? Psh, you know what to do. I'm telling you, this is crucial to feeling independent in a time when you feel like a burden most days.Go thrive!Onward my skin pals! Take those times of woe and turn them into times of wow! Impress yourself with how awesome and tenacious you are in the midst of a flare.
This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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