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How Can Gratitude Journaling Help?

Eczema takes a toll. Emotionally, mentally and most of all, physically. I think, in many cases, there is no avoiding it. I do, however, think that keeping an “attitude of gratitude” can help make difficult experiences a little easier.

Gratitude is a powerful and transformative emotion that can profoundly impact our lives. It involves recognizing and appreciating the positive aspects of our experiences, no matter how big or small. Keeping a gratitude journal is a simple yet effective practice that can help us live a happier, fuller life.

How did I start my gratitude journal?

I started my journey with gratitude as a teenager. I was introduced to gratitude journaling within anonymous rooms while seeking recovery from substance misuse.

I have returned to the practice whenever I encountered a feeling or situation that caused emotional, mental or physical upheaval.

How has it worked in my health journey?

When my eczema came out of dormancy a few years ago, it did so with a vengeance. It also coincided with my developing a serious autoimmune condition that caused me severe physical pain. I picked up gratitude journaling a few times throughout this ordeal.

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It genuinely helped me pull through some of the most difficult and lonely moments. I was told my body was failing. On top of being terrified I was dying, my facially presenting atopic dermatitis made me feel ugly and uncomfortable.

What did my entries look like?

So I journaled. I put pen to paper and tried my very hardest to find things to be grateful for. My day one entry probably looked like this:

“Grateful for not being dead yet.”

But the funny thing about gratitude is that the more you think about it and explore it, the more detailed and big it becomes. My entries would only expand in detail as I thought more about my life and the things within it I was grateful for. Gratitude forces a shift of focus from what we don’t have and makes us consider what we do.

So where does one begin?

How can you start?

Starting can be as simple as getting a notebook or creating a digital document where you jot down the things you're grateful for regularly. Being consistent with your entries and practicing daily or even weekly trains your brain to seek out the silver linings in even the worst situations.

Over time, a gratitude journal can be used as a tool for you to look back and assess your growth. As you look back at your entries over time, you'll notice patterns and trends in the things you're grateful for. This can provide insights into your values, priorities, and evolving perspectives. It's a reminder of how you've progressed and what truly matters to you.

How does it help with eczema?

When we focus on the things we're thankful for it becomes increasingly difficult to become overwhelmed by the negative. Gratitude helps us reframe our perspective and find joy, even in the darkest times.

Thinking about choosing to be grateful in times of adversity, I am reminded of the words of the late musician Jane Marczewski, who went by the stage name Nightbird: “You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.”

Life with eczema will always be a little hard. For some, it will be a lot harder. We may not be able to control what happens to us, but we can control how we react to it. In conclusion, gratitude and keeping a gratitude journal can be transformative practices. They have the power to improve mental and physical well-being, enhance relationships, and foster personal growth. By regularly acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of our lives, we can lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

So, pick up that journal or open that document and start counting your blessings today!

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