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My 2022 Eczema Review

It has been another roller coaster of a year with plenty of ups and downs. Both personally and professionally speaking. Living a healthy and well-balanced life is very hard for an eczema patient to get right. Especially if, like me, you have other ailments and allergies on top. It’s like spinning plates. If I can keep my health in check, make time for friends and family, and keep my business ticking over, that is enough for me. If one of those plates falls on the floor and smashes, my mental and physical well-being becomes problematic. This year I have had real problems managing those spinning plates.

How did my year start?

The year began with me slowly weaning off steroids. My dermatologist put me on a heavy course of steroids to bring down a major flare that I had suffered. It took its toll on my immune system, which would later result in more health issues. The cold season always makes the first two or three months a real challenge. Like everyone else, we are susceptible to all the viruses that go around, and we become sick. This is what happened to me. Again, it's not the end of the world, but it just makes life that much tougher to deal with.

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Did my health change as the year progressed?

The use of steroids can have a huge impact on the immune system, and as the year progressed, my health took a real dip. I developed a scary eye and nose infection, later diagnosed as impetigo. Red blisters had formed around my eyes and in my nose. My face blew up to twice its size. I thought my body was trying to eat itself. I was put on the heaviest dose of antibiotics I have ever had and had to take some time away from work. Heath-wise, this had been the third year in a row where things had never been so bad.

Did phototherapy help my eczema?

I had long been promised by my doctor that I could try phototherapy, and thank God I got the opportunity to do so in the summer. Within weeks I noticed a real difference. My skin started to heal. It did not itch as much, and I was getting a nice tan with it all. I was able to exercise more, and it was the first time in years that I felt normal. It was truly amazing. Sadly, you cannot keep phototherapy going because there are dangers to exposing yourself to too much UVB light.

How did my year end?

I am glad to see the end of 2022. I am dealing with a chest infection which means my asthma is bad. To add insult to injury, I have to deal with things going on in my personal life. Total nightmare! It’s actually really interesting to see, at a glance, the year I have had. I really hope 2023 brings better luck for all of us. Have a good one, folks!

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