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Crash and Burn to Bloom Again

We know we’ve heard it all before. We see it with our own eyes in nature that surrounds us, but we neglect to believe in it in our own life story. As much as I desired healing of my eczema throughout my life, which is why I used steroid creams and antihistamines all of the time, I realized that it would have never happened. I needed to crash and burn to my deepest sorrows through TSW to get there.

My body needed to shut down

For my weakened body to begin to heal, my entire body had to almost reach a point of total shut down to heal the root of my greatest eczema problems fully. Although I do wish and have a great hope that this is not the only solution, I certainly see a pattern that my body went through. Going through the extreme physical fall of my skin and body may be the reason why I am thriving without medication for the first time in my life! Just like tornado size storms and rain happen one day, and the next day it is beautiful and sunny, our body goes through the same thing when trying to heal itself. It just takes way longer than a night.

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Then I had on and off periods

For me, it has been a consistent way of living and lifestyle changes for three years that gave me the best results I only dreamed of, especially without medication. I did not suffer for three years straight every day. I simply had on and off periods that worked well where I could have more normal days versus not. I did have to keep a strict plant-based diet for almost 3-years and maintain healthy lifestyle habits that included exercise and stress management. All things that I still maintain to this day, I simply am finding more of a balance with it now.

I better understand my eczema

It has not been until this year in 2021 that I have not had an unexpected flare that I had no clue where it came from unless I used a product I was unknowingly allergic to. I officially feel like I have fully bloomed again or at least have the ability mentally and physically to thrive at my fullest potential. I am so grateful for that reality that made me look back and understand my journey even better. I understood the worst periods of my skin, and each time, it had to fall to its worst before it showed any sign of healing.

The cycle of a flare

First came the oozing weeping, burning skin. Then came the dry patch as it began to heal but only caused a need for a new healing method. Then came the peeling and shedding of the skin, which finally turned into a fresh new smooth layer of skin. I lived with that cycle that varied in time and rotation, but it happened time and time again for a minimum of two years. The oozing can be likened to a bleeding cut you freshly get on your body when you think about it. The first thing we do when that happens is get a healing ointment for calmness and healing. Then we bandage it to dry it out. Once it dries up to a scab, we continue to leave it alone as much as possible for it to continue to heal no matter how unappealing it can look. Finally, the scab falls off on its own. A new layer of skin is there to build up resistance or a stronger skin barrier to protect us in the future.

It will get better

Yes, the initial cut hurts us, and we are in a state of alarm and pain, but it is also true that our bodies can take care of themselves with time and proper care. Once my body went through the worst possible stages of TSW and was used to the healing process that I developed for my own skin. I began seeing a pattern of 30-day cycles of my skin healing itself and taking 7 to 10 days for me to be close to normal. I accepted the crash and burn in order to bloom again. How do you accept your low times during flares with certainty that things are capable of getting better?

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