Vitamin D for Itchy Skin

Vitamin D is famous for building bones by helping with calcium absorption. But, did you know that it can also help with skin problems from atopic dermatitis? It has many benefits, including calming down our body's immune system. If you are not getting enough of the sunshine vitamin, it could be that a supplement can help your skin.

Vitamin D for rashes

My doctor recommended I take Vitamin D3 while on a medication known to cause a rash. I still got the rash, but it was not as severe as what some people got while on the same dose. Recently, this came back around when my husband was fussing with eczema behind his ear. He was making some adjustments to his diet, eliminating some foods, and adding others. Then, a bottle of D3 suddenly showed up in our kitchen vitamin cabinet. Hmmmm.

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Benefits for eczema

My husband works in the health industry. He’s in the know about research, and is a trusted source for me. It turns out that Vitamin D, in general, has always been touted as beneficial for skin problems like atopic dermatitis. There have been studies, both large and small with varying results. However, studies don’t always tell the whole story. The benefits of this vitamin work on a cellular level and are more than skin deep.


Inflammation is one of the biggest benefits our family looks at. Our body is constantly fighting allergens and environmental toxins. This creates an inflammatory response. Bringing heat and nutrients to the injured or attacked part of our body (such as skin) helps it to heal. This super vitamin brings help to inflamed skin.

How to get more Vitamin D

  • Diet is the easiest way to get it, but some of the sources are also known allergens. If you can eat salmon, tuna, eggs and cheese daily, chances are you get enough. It is also added to many breakfast cereals and bars. Even orange juice can be purchased that is already fortified with Vitamin D.
  • Supplements are easy to find in all forms. I had fizzy packs that added flavor to my water. My husband is using the little gel capsules. The drops are good and come in many flavors. This makes it easy to use in juice or breakfast foods for little ones.
  • Sunshine is the old fashioned way to soak up some vitamins. Today, we wear a lot of sunscreen, hats, and protective clothing. That makes it harder for us to get enough Vitamin D. We want to protect our skin from cancer or from too much redness, heat-related itching, and rashes.
  • Creams have become popular with Vitamin D as an active ingredient. It acts as an anti-oxidant and helps to prevent or repair skin damage. Facial and body lotions can help to deliver D right into your skin.

Dosage will vary

Because Vitamin D is stored in your body, dosage is important. Find the amount that is right for your body weight. Your doctor, pharmacist, or medical provider can help you make that decision. Then you can easily get enough to help you combat skin problems. My husband better stock up, cause now I’m taking his every morning as part of my skincare routine!

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