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It's Always a White Christmas for the AD Kids

It feels like I have spent the whole day vacuuming. This morning it was the bed. Mid-morning, the car. And about an hour ago, the lounge including the sofa. Looking down at my keyboard right now thinking, this could do with a quick blast too! It's incredible to think just how much skin we AD people actually shed. Do you think I should put this paragraph on my Tinder profile?

Festive dietary temptations

As the festive season draws closer it's probably a good time for all of us to consider the ramifications that comes with all the food and drink we will no doubt consume. The temptations that come our way will be extremely hard to resist, but we must try. The endless boxes of chocolates, biscuits, sweets, crisps, nuts...the list goes on.

Eczema worsened by a bad diet

I know without any shadow of a doubt, that my eczema is exacerbated by what I put into my body. It's simple, if I eat salty or sugary snacks or drink alcohol my skin will look terrible and, as a result, I will shed about ten times more skin than I normally do. Which is a lot anyway.

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Taking control and not cheating

What I intend to do this Christmas is not buy anything naughty. Well, that's my intention. If it's not in the apartment I can't cheat. This year the whole family will meet around my brother's place. At this time of year, I normally get cajoled into eating and drinking things I don't necessarily want, however, I have forewarned family members that I intend to be very strict with my diet this year. I think they know I mean it this time.

Filling up on breakfast

Another thing I intend on doing is eating big healthy breakfasts over the festive period so that I'm completely filled up. I'm thinking big bowls of oats with chopped banana, raspberries, blueberries, and a dash of honey. This should help to fight off any temptations that come my way and hopefully, I will shed less skin as a result. That said, as an eczema sufferer since the age of two years old, I think shedding skin will be a constant in my life.

Keeping disciplined

For me, the key to staying on top of all my skin shedding is not procrastinating with the clearing up. I'm saying this knowing I am the king of procrastination! There are a few things I insist on being strict on, but eating healthy and vacuuming the apartment are just two of the most important things I can do to help myself from not going totally insane.

Worsening anxiety and stress

I've noticed in past times, when I have let the housework get on top of me or if I have eaten poorly, not only does my eczema worsen but so does my anxiety. So it's really not worth the stress. As eczema warriors, we just have to accept that we will always shed more skin than the average person and as long as we can do this, we will be better at keeping on top of the situation.

During this festive period, you always hear people wish for a white Christmas. I always think to myself, It's a white Christmas everyday 'round my apartment.

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