My start with Dupixent for eczema/psoriasis was promising at first. Best skin I've had since I was 16! So exciting. Then December 1 dosing must have given me flu-like symptoms. Almost felt COVID like to me. Tested negative several times though. December 15th I was more achy, felt like a fever, and I was sleeping all the time. The January 1 dose gave me rashes and a touch of anaphylaxis (I've had med reactions with full-blown anaphylaxis before, so believe me when I say it was heading that way). Benedryl calmed that back down fortunately. So that's it for Dupixent for me. I talked to the dermatologist, reported it to the pharmacists. Clearer skin was amazing, but I'm not pushing through any more of it to see if that symptom goes away. It took until about December 13th to feel human again. Can't live life like that. Bummer. I'm taking at least a month off until it all gets out of my system, then I'll go back to the doc and see if there's something else I can try.