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Vent about a time that you felt embarrassed, ashamed, or frustrated by other’s opinions and commentary on your skin!
CommunityMemberd0c81b Member
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Luke warm cold showers not freezing cold shower
CommunityMember9702799 Member
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I was having a procedure at the hospital. An anesthesiologist was looking for a vein in my arm. He was having trouble and asked if I was in a fire. Stating that because of my skin he couldn't find the vein. I was hurt and frustrated.
SamanthaSarube Community Admin
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CommunityMember985ea9 Member
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Stigma, I've been on a life long journey to try cure or deal with mine! My skin is crazy but I've noticed a pattern to do with the fat of my body and the glands of the fat amd have came a long way, with a story I would like to share.
My parents have no idea how to deal or treat (not there fault) .
From the pain to how to cure as close as possible
Heat is king sauna or really hot showers are needed. Oils put back into the skin and strength to survive the curse. (I've broke bones I've blow one of my fingers of but noting can get you ready for your skin boiling bubbling up and weeping.
Liz R. Lebowitz, RN Member
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Hello dear
CommunityMember051c6c Member
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I could not go to the pool at my gym because people thought it was contagious. I had seen people coughing and hacking with severe cold or allergy. They were allowed. It's stupid because the chlorine is good for exzema and it's not catching. Pool was recommended by my Dr. Even though i didn't go they still withdrew my payments and there was a hassle to discontinue membership. It was embarrassing, I found I could wear socks with my water shoes so no one saw the eczema which is on feet and ankles
Liz R. Lebowitz, RN Member
Last Updated:
Hello dear