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Itching armpits

Just when I thought I've got over the itching hands I've started itching and burning in my arms pits I'm using trimavat what my doctor gave me it works for a while but as soon as I start to swet I get the itching and burning in the armpits in the winter I don't get any trouble I use lynx spray in the winter but now it's warm I can't use it because it makes my arm pits burn I really don't know what else I can put on to stop my self from sweting there

  1. I am sad to read about your challenging issue. I see you are already doing so much to make these symptoms subside. Even the topical steroid, in the medication you are applying, has not helped enough. My first suggestion is to check back with your doctor. Meanwhile here is some information from our website that may be of interest: and Please let us know your thoughts on them... Sending healing hugs, Liz - - Site Moderator

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