I have been born with atopic dermatitis. As a kid, I had thick layers of eczema, ashy rash build-up virtually all over my body; this included tissue fluids and pus. For 5 decades I've kept my eczema under control with Fluocinonide ointments, creams, and solutions. Then a few years ago I started to get swelling, tingling, burning sensations in my feet, then legs, then sides of my upper body, then chest, neck, face, and head. Early doctor observations were thought to be "h-pylori", then heart burn, then costochondritis, then lupus, and somewhere in-between all of these, perhaps a psychosis problem. I was placed on several acid reducer pills, Ibuprofens and Tylenols. I've had several bloodwork, X-Rays and MRI's for possible neurological issues, all in which showed unremarkable, none seen, and other negative results. Meanwhile my symptoms were spreading and becoming more intense and chronic - this went on for more than two years and during the height of the pandemic. I finally took it upon myself and studied some medical terminologies that seem to relate to my symptoms, and I reasoned out that I'm having a [deep skin] problem. Reports show that neither X-Rays nor MRI's can easily reveal subcutaneous illnesses and a biopsy must be performed for analysis. So, I went after the services of a dermatologist and dermatopathologist. Finally! The physicians were able to identify "severe eczema breakout all throughout my subdermal tissues. They can see mucin, mucus, filling throughout my sub-skin areas. My current dermatologist thinks the only way to get to the areas between my epidermis and muscles is by introducing hydroxychloroquine-sulfate to the infected areas by way of digestion, so he has me on Hydroxychloroquine tablets. This process can take many months before I can even begin to feel any relief. In the meantime, the burning, tingling, spasmodic swelling, and hugging continues to spread and intensifies. He does not believe anything else could be added to supplement the work of the hydroxychloroquine medication. I'm wondering if he could be lacking some insight into this matter, as this kind of eczematic illness is not too common. Has anyone experienced anything close to what I have been enduring? And was there any successful attempt to reverse this unusual eczematic disorder?