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Thigh Eczema Advise

Hello. I have attached a pic of my thigh. I have tried many things that have not worked too well, including ketocanozole shampoo and cream, hydrocortizone, triamcinolone acetonide cream, nystatin powder (which hides it a bit but doesn't get rid of it), pimecrolimus cream, and compounds created in specialty pharmacies. This has caused great pain and I really need to get rid of it. Dermatologists have looked at it for a few seconds without putting much consideration into it before quickly writing a prescription for me. Is there anyone that would be able to tell me what specific type of eczema this looks like on my thigh? And what type of cream, ointment, or treatment would be best for it? It would be immensely appreciated. Thanks so much.thigh eczyema

  1. hi , sorry you've been going through this frustrating experience. I'm not a medical professional, but it reminds me of nummular eczema, though I don't know much about that specific type to be honest. If I were you, I would definitely insist a doctor biopsy it to find out for sure. I hope you get some relief soon! -Nina ( Team Member)

    1. Hello, I'm not a doctor, but I had something similar that came on rapidly in 2017. At first I tried to gtt an appointment with the doctor I had in 2013-2015 but she had left, and I worked with a NP. Got nowhere for three months mainly because nothing was looked at closely. It is a large system connected to a univesity. I called the main number for dermatology and asked for an appointment and when I was told "new patients have a 4 month backlog". I said I am in the system, but there's no doctor at the location I normally go to. I will go anywhere within the system with a Dermatology MD. Who do you want to see (I pulled up the entire staff directory and said Dr. B__ A__ , the department chair. The receptionist chuckled and said well anyone but him.

      I scanned the list and found one MD was Certified in Dermatology, and, Certified in Dermatopathology. It was the best choice in doctors I ever made. She treated on visit 1 with cortisone but insisted I needed to come back in two weeks. There was no imporvement and she took multiple skin biopsies. Then the results were analyzed and reviewed before the diagnosis.

      It was nummular eczema and it looked much like yours only mine was everywhere.

      Please look at the MD's credentials. A good MD won't simply look, they will do an evaluation. I had wasted four months with a NP dermatologist and a primary care MD. I'm sure they meant well but I was not getting results. My eczema is almost clear but I'm on maintenance medication.

      I truly wish the best for you. You will succeed! It's OK to ask the doc how she or he is determining the diagnosis. A good doc will gladly tell you.

      1. thanks a lot. Would you mind telling me who your doctor was. Also, do you think duplixent or any type of injection might be effective?

      2. I’ll PM info to you

    2. Michael7-I do not have eczema, and I am unsure why the doctor would refuse to get a tissue sample, for culture of bacteria, fungus, and also send off to pathology. Your GP, or dermatologist should be able to do this. Ask your doctor why they would not want to do the biopsy, esp since treatment has not worked. They need to know what they are dealing with.

      1. If your doctor has not done a biopsy it needs to be done. Tissue should be examined for both fungus and bacteria, as well as pathology. It sounds like treatment has been rather random. I hope your doctor will consider this for you. Good luck.

        1. Thanks. Many demonologies won’t do this. Would it be a biopsy or culture? What specific type do you think would be best for me and what kind of doctor would give it?

        2. it would be a biopsy taken of your skin to test, which would show what kind of skin condition it is. Cultures are typically done for infection, vs biopsies for actual diagnosis of the condition itself. A dermatologist would be your best bet in this case. Sometimes you honestly just have to ask them and be a bit persistent. Keep us posted please! -Nina ( Team Member)

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