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Is There Increased Intuition Through Eczema?

More than anything else, I crave depth. Life is full of tumultuous occurrences and I like to talk about it. I like to think about it and I like to feel it all until it pours out of me with nowhere else to go.

Why do I like deep feelings?

I say I like this because it is something about me that is simply a part of who I am. I have not always appreciated the great feeling of depth. I have learned to love the deep sides of life and use it as my superpower, over shunning it and turning it off to go on in life full of shallow waters.

TSW forced me to face my feelings

I struggled with compartmentalizing this in-depth thought and feeling for much of my life until I faced extremely life-threatening health issues with topical steroid withdrawal in my adult life. All at once, I was forced to feel everything I refused to feel for well over 10 years of my life because I had nowhere to distract me from my reality during this time of being confined to my bed.

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Finding peace in expressing myself

Little did I know that would lead me to the internet to anonymously express myself, but ultimately find other people just like me who felt as deeply as I do. To experience so many feelings, often full of pain and sometimes nonstop for 24 hours a day because of the nonstop itch or soreness, causes you to have an increased ability to channel inwardly for peace and energy from within. Although this ability came from great pain it is a gift that causes me to have insight into what sparks joy and what drains me of energy. 

Connecting with others was never easy

Even as a child, although shy and distant mostly due to my personal battles dealing with illness, I very rarely naturally connected with large numbers of people. In a crowd of people gathered together, I often could still spot the ones with genuine souls like my own. Unfortunately, many times this also attracted people who were in need of positive souls in their lives so more times than not I was burned by people who simply were not built like me.

Finding true bonds through eczema suffering

I say this to say, the eczema community is full of people who have dealt with severe illness, therefore it is full of genuine souls that know and have felt pain that are in great need of expressing it, and want to help others along the way. I am grateful for that connection and more importantly understanding.

Awareness of the truth of pain

To be so sensitive to touch and having to be aware of your environment so meticulously at times causes you to become very aware of everything and everybody around you. It could be said that this is a trauma response, but it has carried me through many experiences in life with other people recognizing even the slightest inconsistency of truth or darkness. When you’ve suffered deep pain you are very familiar with both of those sides. I am always grateful to be a part of a community that focuses on the truth and light aspects of this reality.

Tell me in the comments if you’ve ever felt like you are a little more in tune with your feelings and in need of deeper expression than the average person? I’d love to hear!

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