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Ashley Anne Lora and Dr Phil portraits

Dr. Phil Show and Eczema

If you asked me years ago if I could see myself being on national television discussing eczema, I’m pretty sure I would’ve looked at you crazy.

Now as an eczema patient advocate, that’s exactly what I’m doing. How?

Power of visualization

It has been one of my favorite traditions to take time to reflect and set my intentions on what I want to accomplish for the new year. Amongst many for 2019 was the declaration to be on television talking about eczema.

They do say ‘be careful what you wish for’, as little did I know this opportunity would come only 2 months later.

Thought to reality

A few days later after declaring this, I had received an email that noted I was a running candidate on the Dr. Phil show to discuss eczema. I couldn’t believe it myself. I can remember the blood that rushed through my veins and the excitement I felt when I read this email. “NO FREAKING WAY,” I kept screaming as I was jumping up and down.

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This amazed me as this is what I had just declared on my vision board just a few days prior. The power of manifestation is real and in full effect y'all.


After multiple interviews and creating videos of myself talking to a camera, I was selected to be the spokesperson of eczema patients on the show. I know! I’m still in shock.

Here’s how I created this opportunity:

I shared my story

Being open about my eczema via social media has brought me paid partnership opportunities, consulting gigs, tickets to exclusive events, and so much more! It’s truly created a platform for others to see what I stand for and what I represent – eczema patient advocacy.

I got clear with what I wanted

I knew that I wanted to spread awareness about eczema on a mass scale. Although I had no idea what show I was going to be on or how it would look, I knew that I wanted to speak on television.

Reflect, meditate, and get very clear with what it is you desire. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to accomplish it.

I had conviction

Everything I desire is first done through faith. It’s important that I don’t allow doubt to get in the way of what I want. I am in full awareness that it is in my belief and faith in the universe that I am worthy of what I am asking for.

I had undeniable commitment

As soon as I found out I was a candidate on the Dr. Phil show, I did everything it took to ensure I was going to be selected. Spoke with confidence and certainty, responded to every email and call with urgency, and best of all, I was authentic.

Eczema has found its way to national TV. Yepp, who would’ve thought!

Join me in watching me (haha) and Dr. Phil discuss eczema on March 18, 2019 on WCBS at 3 PM EST/3 PM PST!

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