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Eczema Meet-Ups

Recently, I attended an eczema meet-up in California. And as expected, it was AWESOME!

Eczema meet-up

A meet-up is simply another word for gathering. When fellow warrior, Linette Roungchun, announced that she was hosting a get together for the eczema community, I couldn’t help but jump in excitement. I live for opportunities when I can connect with people, share stories, and re-create purpose on the importance of in-person interaction.

Online support

As someone who has been sharing her eczema story since 2016, I’m like a proud mom when I see our online community growing and expanding. I’m seeing more and more eczema-related profiles being built on a daily basis, warriors unhiding their eczema and sharing their stories, and the average person learning about a skin condition that affects 30 million Americans.

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Can things get any better?!


Face-to-face support

Adding personalities to online profiles, and being face-to-face with fellow warriors makes eczema and the challenges it brings appear insignificant. It’s like meeting long-lost family members and connecting for the first time. Although eczema is ultimately the reason why we come together, I always leave these events gaining more than what I came with.

Eczema support

When we come together, it’s more than just about eczema. It’s about:

  • Feeling inspired and hopeful that healing is possible
  • Gaining a deeper insight into each other’s stories and seeing how it parallels our own journey
  • Learning the different practices and products that can support us in managing our eczema
  • Appreciating our similarities and respecting our differences

It’s an opportunity to make each person know and feel that they matter.

That’s why these eczema meet-up groups are so important! Here are some tips on how to meet other warriors in person!

Join eczema online community groups

This is a great start to meeting other eczema warriors and establish a connection. Health Union, National Eczema Association and Facebook all have great platforms you can join. Join multiple and see which one is a fit for you!

Create your own meet-up

Once you have established trust, visibility and connection online, plan and create your very own meet-up. Maybe you just want to connect with one person or make it a group thing. Either way, creating that face-to-face interaction with another warrior is worth it!

Join our eczema meet-up

A couple of eczema warriors and I are planning on holding more in person meet-up events. Don’t want to miss out? Join our Meetup, so you can stay in touch with future events.

Eczema Expo

Are you attending the biggest meet-up of 2019? The National Eczema Association puts on a yearly expo for patients, caregivers, and those in the medical industry. It's a MUST! I look forward to this event every year because of how life-changing it is! You can find more information about it here.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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