A hand is drawing a question mark within the eczema on the other arm, which is turning the skin white.

Mysterious Skin Symptoms

Eczema is a multi-layered and leveled experience that can affect any aspect of one's health or life in various ways. In my experience, it's all different forms of imbalance that lead to inflammation one way or another. Sometimes, that inflammation takes on different forms, or travels to different parts of the face, head, and body, or morphs into something that seems completely different, but actually has similar sources and patterns to when it appears.

Rising body temperature

One strange symptom that I have experienced with having eczema has been how it how once I feel itchy, my entire body temperature rises. Even parts of my body that are not itchy become really hot in response to a trigger. Sometimes this can make me so uncomfortable that I just have to eat a bunch of ice, raw fruit or veggies, or go under a cold shower to rebalance my body temperature.

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Different skin presentations

A big mystery that I've always wondered about is why some flare-ups make the skin dry up and form strangely shaped patches. Or how you can run your finger or nail over certain parts of your skin and if the skin is not red, it leaves a red or pinkish line. If the skin is red and swollen, sometimes it leaves behind a whitish/flesh-toned looking line.

Skin cracking

I always find it odd when certain parts of my body will start to crack seemingly out of nowhere. At this point in my life, I have traced it back to overconsumption of refined cane sugar. I also suspect there's a connection to dehydration. Often it seems quite random if the corners of my mouth or the knuckles of my fingers start to crack on their own unprovoked even without any scratching.

Detox reaction: oozing

And finally, one of the strangest symptoms I've had with my skin was a detox reaction from my spider bite infection last January. I had been bitten by a tropical insect which I suspect was a spider because there were two fang marks left.

The spider bite

I was taking herbs and cleaning up my diet to get rid of the venom. After a few weeks, this abscess formed in the back of my head that filled up with enough ooze to seemingly be the size of at least a golf ball if not a baseball. The pores over the abscess became very permeable and allowed a lot of ooze in that one spot to be released over the course of a few days. The hair there became soaked in ooze and hardened into a crust.

Another abscess

After that happened, it healed on its own after a couple of days. Then I developed another abscess on my right inner forearm that was the size of an avocado seed and filled up with a lot of opaque white pus. Over the course of two weeks, it would continuously drain itself and refill itself and I had to put a band-aid over it so that the pore would remain moist and allow the pus to come out easily. Otherwise, it would close up and hurt a lot from all the pressure of the buildup of the pus. And finally, the final major draining point developed on the top of my inner left ankle. Ooze and pus drained out of that hole in a similar fashion as the one on my forearm and it would get painful to walk sometimes because of the impact stepping that would have in connection to that particular point on my ankle. After another week or two, it eventually ran out of ooze and pus to release and closed up.

Other oozing detox reactions

While this situation was related to a foreign insect bite, I have experienced oozing in relation to detoxing from eating a poor diet and it shows up in my skin as eczema flare-ups. And although going through these detox processes was painful and traumatic, in my experience, if the body is releasing something, there is something that needs to be let go of and that is typically a good thing even if it hurts at the moment.

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