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A boy hides behind a bush a woman holding a hat looks sad and confused

Eczema 2 - Love Life 1

Living in today's modern world is both a privilege and a curse. If one happens to suffer from extreme ailments, it can be really difficult. Navigating through life's many ups and downs is really hard work. Personally speaking, living with eczema and asthma is something that makes it hard to form close relationships. I have been living alone since 2018. For the most part, I have enjoyed it. Not being a burden on anyone is a great feeling. Having eczema is a constant struggle - you get good days and bad.

The good and bad days

When I have good days, I feel like I can accomplish anything. Writing, making music, exercising, visiting friends, anything! If I go through a bad cycle, it's like my brain stops functioning. I become withdrawn and hide away from people until the storm subsides.

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Going to a dermatologist

In the summer, I booked a top skin specialist in London's Harley Street. My skin was in a bad way and needed help. I was hoping to try some alternative medications. However, the specialist argued that could be a possible route we could go down, but the first priority was to get me better. And I did get better.

Dating with eczema

For the rest of the summer, I felt great, and I ended up meeting a fantastic girl on a spontaneous night out with friends. We are still together today, and she is totally brilliant. But I cannot lie, it is causing me stress. I have been open to her about my condition without going into precise details and without making it a continuous talking point. For example, she knows that I am an advocate for She knows what it entails, and although truthful, I am brief with my explanations. I do not want to push her away or ruin what we have built.

When my skin is bad around her

Again, as highlighted above, when I now go through my bad cycles and have to hide away, she does not quite understand. And that is because I do not want to burden her with just how bad I can get. It can sort of ruin the mood if you catch my drift!

The influence of my previous relationship

Also, I think my previous relationship has profoundly affected how I behave around people. Distinctly, people I get close to. This article may sound like I am moaning, but the reverse is true in actuality. I realize just how fortunate I have been in meeting a really lovely person. Suppose I am a little anxious. As time goes by, the way I am could negatively affect our relationship.

I have hope

Presently, I am in a bad cycle. I have spoken with my primary carer and have asked that I be referred to see a specialist via the NHS. I think I stand a better chance of seeing one. It is because of the visit to the dermatologist in the summer. I am keeping my fingers crossed because now I really have something to fight for! And currently, the eczema is winning, but to use a soccer analogy...the final whistle has yet to be blown, and I know I can make a winning comeback!

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