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Last Updated:
Hi. I started Dupixent about five weeks ago. My symptoms are clearing up and I'm happy with the results so far, but then this week I flared. I looked back at what I ate over the weekend and I did ingest some possible triggers (sugar, gluten, eggs) but I guess I was surprised to flare while on Dupixent. Anyone else had flares after exposure to known triggers? Does this mean even with Dupixent I need to avoid exposure to things I feel strongly are triggers?
CommunityMember50a6e0 Member
Last Updated:
I agree Briana, I've been on Dupixent for a year, still got "flare ups" not in the least itchy and dry skin gone.
CommunityMember50a6e0 Member
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It is only in the beginning that you get now and then a flare and it is not so itchy. I have been using it for a year and it was a lifesaver!
D_Dharan Member
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I was wondering if anyone knows of any programs, grants, or assistance that could help me afford this medication. Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for your time and help.
Chava Bayla Wald Member
Last Updated:
Sounds like this period can be filled with lots of feelings as you wait to see what will happen with your dream career! I'm rooting for you that it works out!As far as the financial burden brought on by certain medications, I can relate. I have been down this road many times. I can't speak for how healthcare and insurance work in India, but I do know that in Canada and the USA, there are patient support programs that every pharmaceutical company has. These patient support programs are often a great resource. If you haven't already asked your doctor about this, I would encourage you to do so. Additionally, exploring options like crowdfunding, non-profit organizations, and government programs might provide some financial relief. Remember, nobody can advocate for you better than yourself!
As always, I'm here to offer support in any way I can. Please feel free to check back in if you have any questions or updates you'd like to share.
Chava B. Wald (Moderator & Contriutor)
lengutman Member
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lengutman Member
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I don't think the flare could have been from food. I really didn't have anything that would have caused it. I "cheated" with one tiny chocolate chip cookie a few days before the flare but I can't believe that small amount of sugar or gluten could have done so much damage. I cheated the week before with a whole sleeve of Oreos (10 cookies at once) and I did get a little flare after that the following day. But it could have just been the stress associated with spending two days with my elderly parents. So I don't know what to think.
TSW makes the most sense. I'm hoping I stay clear for two weeks post Dupixent because I'd hate to think it just doesn't last long enough between injections and the flare was just the med wearing off.
What do you think? Sound like TSW?
Briana Banos Member
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It is truly hard for me to say, especially since I have not seen pictures. It is a possibility if you were a chronic steroid user, but I do hope Dupixent continues to work for you. I am grateful I am on it at the moment. It has taken my flares away at the moment. I am 3 months in. Let's see how it goes for you!
Briana Banos Member
Last Updated:
Hi lengutman!
I, too, am on Dupixent. I am grateful that it has been making my skin journey so much more comfortable. I am 2.5 months into this treatment with no flares. However, I think there may be factors to consider for you. 1) What are you taking Dupixent for (TSW, severe eczema, eczema and asthma, etc)? 2) Do you have allergies or just 'triggers' as in, normal things eczema patients are told to avoid?
I know a few others on Dupixent that just have random flares in the beginning, but there is also a side effect that deals with flushing in the face (is that what you are experiencing?)
At the end of the day, we are all different, but sometimes, flares just seem to happen on Dupixent. I hope others are able to comment on their own experience here for you. It's still early stages of Dupixent so give it another month or two 😀 - Briana, Moderator