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What are some of the challenges of living with eczema that others might not recognize or know about?
Dusa Member
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Please consider reading Fight Smart Against Eczema: The combination of important scientific findings and ancestral knowledge enables symptom-free life Kindle Edition, on Amazon
Liz R. Lebowitz, RN Member
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Hello dear
coughlinlynn089 Member
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I use the stairwell in my office building to get from each floor. It is a lot safer than using the elevators which have a mind of their own. Plus, I get my days' worth of exercise while working and when I get home I can just chill
Liz R. Lebowitz, RN Member
Last Updated:
Hello dear
coughlinlynn089 Member
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I use Sarna anti-itch lotion that you can anywhere (CVS, Walgreens, Target, Walmart) it's usually in the baby care aisle, but it's for anyone with sensitive skin in my opinion and it is a cheaper remedy than a prescription from a doctor. I have a bottle at work too. It helps me a lot. That along with a moisturizer lotion it keeps my skin less itchy throughout my workday and while in transit from work to my home
Liz R. Lebowitz, RN Member
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Abigail Covert Member
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That's wonderful,
coughlinlynn089 Member
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I keep moisturizing lotions, sunscreen and Sarna anti-itch lotion at work, home and in my car also with a face cloth that I can wet with water from a gallon jug I keep in my trunk alongside my emergency go bag in the event of an evacuation with a set of my spare clothes, PJs, and medications and first aid kit in my trunk of my car,
coughlinlynn089 Member
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Abigail Covert Member
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Thank you,