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Red discoloration

If you look under my mouth, you’ll see two faint red spots. It’s pretty mild, but it wasn’t always there. It doesn’t irritate and doesn’t feel like anything. Help

  1. Just saw your post. Well, I have similar spots, which are signs of food allergies for me. When I eat fruits that were sprayed with certain chemicals (even trees), I have these spots. But usually, they are gone after a couple of days. Obviously, if you stop eating the allergen.

    1. Hello and welcome to our online support community, . I can understand how disconcerting it can be to have the sudden appearance of these reddened areas. If I may suggest the first thing to do is to ask your doctor, either your general health care provider or your dermatologist. Our mission here is to offer guidance and support however we are unable to provide medical advice. Here is an article that offers possible ideas that may be of interest to you, as well they suggest visiting the dermatologist if symptom continues beyond two weeks: Please let us know your thoughts... Best regards, Liz - - Site Moderator

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