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In Case You Missed It: Notes from the Community

We know there's a lot going on with Eczema Awareness Month in October and the holidays fast approaching, but we've seen so much great engagement coming from our community members that we wanted to make sure you didn't miss out! Check out these great forums, Q&As, and more from our fantastic community members - or add your own!

Forums - We want your suggestions!

The atopic dermatitis community has a lot of experience with different products, homemade remedies, and recipes. In case you missed them, here are a few DIY go-to items and recipes shared with the community in the past few weeks.


We recently received this great DIY recipe to eliminate that irritating itch. Sassy80 called it 'Itch Be Gone' and we'd love to know what you think!

If you want to share your own homemade concoction to alleviate that all too aggravating itch, please share here!

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We also plan to share a bunch of immune boosting and digestion improving recipes with you in the coming weeks. If you missed Terry's 'Antioxidant-Packed Blueberry Cacao Oatmeal For Healthy Skin,' it's loaded with nutrients that help promote healthy skin and oats that help improve digestion.

If you have your own eczema-friendly recipes and would love to share them with the community, please share here!

Q&A - We need your answers!

We love seeing the community asking each other for help or suggestions, but we'd love to know if you have any suggestions for their questions. Who better to answer these questions than those who understand?

Getting people to take eczema seriously

ItchyScratchy asked: "How do you get your doctor to take your issues seriously?" If you have ever experienced anyone belittling your eczema or saying it's 'just' eczema and have any suggestions please share them here!

Moisturizer suggestions

Twhig asked: "What is the best natural moisturizer for severe atopic dermatitis?" Dealing with product trial and error is pretty common and we'd love to know if you have any product suggestions that have worked for you. If so, please share them here!

Where to buy clothes

Blinn1306 asked: "Where can I find soft clothing that will not irritate my skin?" Certain fabrics don't irritate our skin as much but knowing the best places to find these clothes can be extremely helpful. If you have any go-to stores, please share them here!

Ask your questions and get some answers!

If you have any questions you'd like to ask the community, please share them in our community forums. Who knows, you might find that someone else asked the same question or that you may have an answer to share with someone else who's struggling with their atopic dermatitis.

Share YOUR story!

If you have a story you'd like to share about your experience with eczema, please share it in our community stories. It can be hard to share your struggles but sometimes you may find that someone else is going through the same thing. You are not alone here!

Post your suggestions!

If you have any skin care routines, homemade products, or even some suggestions that have worked for you that you think might help others, please share it in our community forums! If you want to help a fellow eczema warrior by sharing your go-to's, this is the place to do it!

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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