Receiving "The Talk" Eczema StyleHave you ever received the "talk"? When I say this, I mean people who always recommend creams, lotions, ointments, and other "magical potions" that will help "cure your eczema." So...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Allergy ShotsHaving allergies all your life can be a very draining and frustrating thing. I am extremely allergic to trees, grass, dogs, and cats. It's been so frustrating but for 8...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Ideal Eczema Treatment: An Impossible Quest?Trial and error seem to be the name of the game when it comes to finding what works for atopic dermatitis. It is an endless battle that almost feels impossible...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Looking After My Gut to Help My Eczema?Apparently, maintaining a healthy and balanced gut is integral in keeping your overall health and well-being under check! Who knew? I know I may be late to the party here;...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Explaining TSW with This Is UsThe arts have a way of making difficult subjects easily digestible. As difficult as it is to see our new normal up close in TV and movies, this is my...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Why I Take Probiotics for My Eczema and Celiac DiseaseOne of the most well-known and talked about supplements for eczema are probiotics. They have the potential to help with a wide range of health conditions and improve gut health...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Eczema Podcast: Within the FamilyI talk to my youngest brother, Cliff, about the effects - physical and mental - of growing up with eczema and how we coped as a family. We briefly touched...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Helpful Tips to Stop a Flare From Our MembersIn the first of this two-part series, I compiled a list of tips and suggestions from our wonderful community members to help prevent flares of our atopic dermatitis. Now, gleaned...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Why Is This Happening to Me?As I was scrolling past my eczema Instagram feed, I saw a post that caught my eye. The post had a quote on it which stated, "Why is this happening...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Dear Dermatologists: Highs & Lows (Part 2)Dear Dermatologist: Thank you. To every dermatologist who is seasoned in knowledge and dedicated to continuously learning about skin and making a change for patients who are suffering without real...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Top 3 Questions I've Been Asked About My EczemaOver the years, I have been asked several questions about my skin. Some have been very rude and uncalled for. Some comments have probably been well-intended but came out completely...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Eczema Expo 2021: Panelist PerspectiveWow, wow, wow. The National Eczema Association's "Eczema Expo 2021" is officially over. I just closed down the Zoom (since it was remote this year), and I am trying to...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Choosing the Right Sunscreen to Reduce Eczema FlaresSummer 2021 has been uncomfortable, to say the least. With much of the Western side of this continent reaching upwards of 122 degrees Fahrenheit it's not hard to see why. To...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Evaluating Mental Health With Skin ConditionsLet’s talk about mental health while going through TSW. Surely this itch alone has driven me crazy. And if not the itch, then maybe being physically limited or the isolation...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Water Contact PTSDShowering and bathing are typically supposed to be a relaxing and refreshing experience. Yet, for me and many others struggling with eczema, it becomes a huge trigger and something many...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Time to Take Matters Into My Own HandsI have written several articles bemoaning the fact my primary carers are restricted with the help that they can offer people who suffer from eczema. Of course, I understand that...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Helpful Tips to Prevent Flares From Our MembersSince becoming an advocate for, I have learned much from my own research, but even more from our members’ experiences and other advocate’s personal experiences and recommendations. I realized...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Navigating the Harder TimesI have never experienced the pain or foreboding of cancer. I pray I never will. However, I have been elbow deep in Suleika Jaouad's cancer journey, Between Two Kingdoms, and...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Skin Picking (Excoriation Disorder)What is excoriation disorder? Have you ever caught yourself touching your skin, peeling off your scabs, or just scratching because you just see your eczema there? I feel many people...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Wrong DiagnosisEver gone to a specialist and they give you the wrong diagnosis? For years I was trying to figure out my red skin. What is making me hot and itchy...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments